Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Zombie Jesus Day!

While Jesus never ate the brains of His followers, He does ask that all good Christians eat of his flesh and drink of his blood. This can only lead me to surmise that the son of God was the true origin of the modern day zombie mythology, we just got some of the details mixed up along the way. So today, in honor of the most spectacular raising of the dead since Lazarus of Bethany, I will be watching my own personal favorite zombie film, Day of the Dead.

Now for all you purists out there, I will readily admit that Night of the Living Dead and Dawn of the Dead are technically better films and certainly hold far more historical significance for the genre. But the truth is, I just have more fun when I watch Day.

Just to name a few favorites other than the aforementioned Romero staple of three:

Zombie 2 (1979)
Re-Animator (1985)
Carnival of Souls (1962)
Return of the Living Dead (1985)
Dead & Buried (1981)

And just for fun:

Shaun of the Dead (2004)
My Boyfriend's Back (1993)
Fido (2006)

What are some of your favorite zombie flicks? Which ones do you hate? Weigh in with your opinions!


  1. I think the only ones I've ever seen are Shaun of the Dead and 28 Days Later. No mention for 28 Days?

  2. Don't get me wrong, I like 28 Days Later but it's more of a zombie movie for people who normally wouldn't watch a zombie movie. It's a solid addition to the genre but I pledge a firm allegiance to those who came before it. Plus, I can't list every zombie movie that was ever made!

  3. Happy Zombie Jesus Day! I've been saying this too!
    I've always ranked Day as my least favorite Romero Zombie flick, but it has been growing on me little by little. I can't stand 95% of the characters or actors, but it has the best undead in nearly any film that I can think of. Clown Zombie! Ballerina Zombie! Bub! It's no Burial Ground: The Nights of Terror, but it is a classic.

  4. For some reason, I really like the feel of it and it is full o' quotable dialogue aplenty. Plus the gore effects are Savini-rific.

    Off topic, I was just checking out your list of favorite movies. I really feel that Showgirls is simultaneously the greatest and worst movie of all time. It just never gets old.

  5. Rhodes does have great one liners. You know what, one thing I'll say for Day: It doesn't suck!

    Funny, I was just discussing the VH1 cut of Showgirls, with the digitalized bras and terribly ridiculous dubbing of curses with the most random one syllable words in the English dictionary. It's almost as wonderful as the original cut.
